What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been

Posted in Blog News, College Stuff, General, Health & Lifestyle, Links, Web with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 8, 2011 by Jill

Photo by Allyson Paynter

I started this blog in February 2008. I was taking the year off due to sickness. In my buckets of free time, I worked on this project, in hopes of making myself feel more prepared for college. I started college that September.

I’ve always referred to my college as College X, located in City X. Well, if you really want to know, I took Journalism at Holland College in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. At the end of the two year program, I knew I didn’t want to work in a newspaper office. News reporting is way too stressful for me and there were only a few times I actually cared about the subject matter of the story I was working so hard to get right.

So, I went back to school for one more year in September 2010 to take Interactive Multimedia, again at Holland College. My tiny class consisted of 7 students and one amazing instructor. It was one of the best, busiest years of my life. I graduated with an average of 91.5% and knew it was a better field for me almost immediately. Before graduation, I had my business registered. I am now a freelance web and graphic designer.

Hopefully some day I’ll have a studio outside of my apartment but for now, Athena Studios is a one-woman show with lots of stuff to do.

(The lovely photo above is me on the night of my graduation.)

So. What now? I think it’s time I stop blogging on Kill Jill Goes to College for good. Not that this blog has been alive for a long time. But I’m done with college. My life has changed so much since I started this blog. For one, I love color! I’m not a little emo kid anymore (although I still worship Death Cab For Cutie). I lived in a lovely old house for the first semester this year and was evicted (the owner sold the house 6 months into our lease). I moved into an apartment, believing it to be a temporary arrangement- and now, on Monday, I’m signing a lease on that apartment for a year. Yay!

Below are a few words of wisdom I learned, all on my own:

  • If your part-time job is effecting your school work and if you can at all afford to quit, let it go. It isn’t worth it.
  • Use your student ID to get discounts on as many things as you can, while you can.
  • Keep your friends from past years at school. There are reasons you became friends in the first place. Don’t forget about them, just because you don’t see them very often.
  • Start networking while you’re still in school. To be honest, I do most of my best networking on Twitter. And last, but not least…
  • Don’t let the idea of a long distance relationship scare you off. You might just miss out on something amazing. (That’s right, kids. Kill Jill found her Kill Jack.)
That’s all for me, ladies and gents. Always say please and thank-you, wash behind your ears and be kind to one another.
Kill Jill… out!

Kill Jill’s Resolutions For 2010 (Part II)

Posted in Apartment X, City X, In The News, Internship, Kill Jill, Personal with tags , , , , , , , on December 17, 2010 by Jill

I was working on my final project for the semester last night (a wretched Flash website which is likely going to go down in history as one of the worst things I’ve ever made, but anyway) and I developed a huge headache. So I took some pills, put a cold cloth on my head and went to bed around 10pm.

For me, going to bed early = waking up early. In this case, 5am. And I could not get back to sleep. Too much stuff going on in my head. I was thinking about how fast this semester went by, how my Flash project is kind of a disaster, how I have two shifts left of my part-time job (hell yeah!) and how I have to pack my stuff up and move, like, three days after Christmas.

Oh yeah. Another update for y’all. Our landlords sold our house six months into our one-year lease. Merry Christmas to us! So, we all had to find new places to live. My friend Jenn, who I met in my first year of college, is going to be living way uptown while I’ll still be downtown. Makes me quite sad, I gotta say. But I’ve found a place literally five houses down from mine- a 6-month subletting dealio– with a nice gal who works a lot. After that, I hope to get a place with my pal Charlsie (best friend from high school who is now a university student in City X).

Anyhoo. Not the point of this post, at all. Getting up before 7:30 makes me ramble, apparently.

I was browsing my old blog posts on here and I came across this one: Kill Jill’s Resolutions For 2010. I wrote a list of goals, included here:

  1. No chips. I actually gave up eating chips this summer. I’d just like to continue this goal.
  2. Continue not smoking. I don’t smoke. Never have. I’d like to continue not smoking in 2010.
  3. Impress people. I want to do well in my second newsroom internship, which starts on Monday. (Yikes.)
  4. Avoid a full hard-drive. I have to stop downloading legally acquiring new TV shows and movies before watching the old ones I haven’t gotten around to watching yet.
  5. Avoid relying on credit card too much. This speaks for itself.

How did I do? Let’s see.

  1. I rarely eat chips. (I prefer popcorn anyway.)
  2. I still don’t smoke. (Holla!)
  3. I did do well on my second Journalism internship. I got one helluva recommendation letter from the editor, too. Hells yeah.
  4. As for #4, it’s still an issue I’m dealing with. But to help battle it, I just bought another computer! Hey-o!
  5. I still use my credit card, but I always pay it off within the month.

So, all in all, not a bad year, goal-wise. But what about the news?

  1. Canada won two gold medals at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. And Sidney Crosby got even hotter.
  2. Tiger Woods and his golf club got into a bit of trouble. (Amirite?!)
  3. Huge volcano thingy in Iceland went off. The sky was black with ash for days. More concern about stranded tourists in Europe than the ecosystem of Iceland.
  4. Paparazzi suddenly become interested in Sandra Bullock.
  5. The Social Network came out. That movie is awesome.
  6. WikiLeaks got their hands on a young girl’s secret diary and posted lots of nasty comments made by the other girls at school. Or something.

I’ll likely make up a list of goals for 2011 soon and post them. Yeah, I can do that.

So. What do you think was the top event of 2010?

Christmas Wallet Savers

Posted in Articles, College Stuff, How-To, Money Honey, Tips with tags on December 13, 2010 by Jill
About the only thing that ever loses weight at Christmas is our wallets. They just seem to go thinner and thinner as the weeks leading up to Christmas fly by. There are lots of things though that can be done to help take some of the crunch out of Christmas. Each on their own may not add up to much, but if you combine them all I bet you will have saved enough money to buy an extra gift or two.

Make sure you eat before you shop

It really is surprising at how many people tend to eat out when they are Christmas shopping. Often the reason for this is because they are away from home for many hours, and often have left home without eating. So if you are planning an early
morning shopping excursion then get up a bit earlier and have a hearty breakfast. You can bet it will hold you through those next several hours while you are shopping. This way you won’t lose precious shopping time by having to stop to eat, and you will have saved some substantial money as well.
If you are a night time shopper, then same thing, have an early dinner and a filling one,  but not one that is going to take a lot of clean up time.
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Yup, more excuses

Posted in Blog News on November 21, 2010 by Jill

Hi guys.

Before you say anything, this blog is close to being abandoned, pretty much. I posts guest posts when they come my way, but these things happen. I don’t really have time for friends often, let alone keep up with my blogging. School work keeps my super busy, as does my part-time job. I’m quitting the job right before Christmas so I can focus 100% on school during my second semester.

It’s strange to think this is my very last semester in college.

Well. Probably, anyway.

To be quite honest, I’m getting pretty tired of being a student. I’m 22. I’ll be 23 when I graduate in May. I’m ready to give adulthood a go. What exactly does that mean for your old pal Kill Jill?

Well, I hope to start a web design business, get an apartment by myself, start paying back my student loans (ugh) and make a go of it.

Anyway. It’s been a good run. I’ll try to post when I can, but I can’t make any promises.

Changing Colleges? Dos and Don’ts You Must Know

Posted in Articles, Blog News, General, How-To, Tips with tags , , on November 7, 2010 by Jill

(This is a guest post by Abby Nelson.)

Applying to college as a high school student/graduate is one thing; trying to transfer from one college to another is entirely different. For one, your decision is taken in a shorter time period and is fraught with uncertainties; and for another, you need to find a college that not only suits your needs but which also accepts credits you have earned during the semester or two you spent in your current college.

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$25 BJ’s Gift Card Giveaway

Posted in Blog News, Contests with tags , , , , on September 26, 2010 by Jill

Photo by mangee.

Kill Jill is on a tight schedule!

Between working part-time, doing homework and having classes, I literally have to pencil friends in for a week in advance. I’m not even joking. I tell ya, it makes it hard to have spontaneous fun with the pals.

Reply to this post with your best idea for time management for college students and you could win a $25 gift card from BJ’s Wholesale Club. (This contest is open to US residents or anyone with a BJ’s membership.) Make sure to leave your name and email address so I know how to contact you in case you win!

This contest will close in 2 weeks, on October 9th, late in the evening. I’ll likely choose a winner that night and email the winner. The winner will have to provide their mailing address so I can personally send you a little note, along with the $25 gift card.

I’m suddenly an arts student!

Posted in Classy!, College Stuff, College X, Fun Times, Kill Jill, Money Honey, Personal, Tra La La, Work on September 26, 2010 by Jill

So, I’m about two weeks into the Interactive Multimedia at College X. Loving it so far, despite the amount of homework it comes with. Learning a lot about design and digital creativity every day.

But it’s tough- going to school, keeping up with school work, working 20 hours a week and trying to have some sort of a life. I go down to 16 hours per week the week after next, so hopefully things will get a little easier.

My class is very, very small. We’re down to 7. And I like it that way. And I can honestly say I like everyone in it. (We had a guy quit. He was less than pleasant. But everyone else is just dandy.)

Here’s my new schedule:

  • Monday: Visual Design
  • Tuesday: Project Management/Multimedia Presentation
  • Wednesday: Web Design
  • Thursday: Audio/Video Production
  • Friday: Flash Design

That’s right, kids. I’m the artsy fartsy student I’ve always wanted to be, not-so-secretly. So, things are pretty chill so far. And my instructor is a very cool chicky who really knows her stuff. I’ll be interested to see where I’m at in a few months.

I’ve been working on a list of goals as of late. The following goals are for this semester (unless stated otherwise).

  1. I will drink more water (and less vodka).
  2. I will keep my part-time job (or stop paying rent).
  3. I will go to bed at a decent hour.
  4. I will apply for at least 12 bursaries/scholarships.
  5. I will leave for school before 8:50am and, therefore, not be late for class.
  6. I will continue working on my novel, and not use lame excuses in order to put it off.
  7. I will continue painting, and not use lame excuses in order to put it off.
  8. I will save cash for Christmas gifts.
  9. I will save enough cash to purchase a 15-inch display Macbook Pro and some design software at the end of the school year.
  10. I will not be impulsive with any purchases over $25.

How Not to Kill Your Roommate

Posted in Articles, College Stuff, Dorm Life, Health & Lifestyle, How-To, On Campus, Tips with tags , on September 26, 2010 by Jill

Oh, college roommates! What in the world could possibly be more exciting or better, really, than sharing a hundred square feet of space with another person? Like you, that person is probably someone who wants to succeed, not become horribly malnourished, and perhaps find some sort of connection with another person in a thrilling new environment. And you’re inevitably going to run into issues.

Photo by Patty.B

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Going Back to School: Here’s What You Need!

Posted in Articles, College Stuff, General, How-To, Tips with tags , , on September 15, 2010 by Jill

It’s a momentous decision when you choose to go back to school years after your graduation; and whether it’s because you want to prove something to yourself or because your career depends on it, when you enter the world of education after a long gap, you need to be prepared for it, no matter if it is full or part time.

Life is no longer as simple as it was when you were in high school or college – it involves much more than just agonizing over lessons, assignment and exams and mulling over the fight you had with your significant other. There could be many other things on your plate now – a job, a family, and other commitments that are not easy to push aside. This makes going back to school a more challenging task, so unless you’re prepared, you could fail in your endeavor to earn a degree.

There are two ways you could go back to school, and each comes with its own challenges:

  • When you decide to do it full time: There are very few people who would choose this option because it would mean putting their jobs and practically their lives on hold. However, if it is the opportunity of a lifetime or if circumstances demand it, it’s not uncommon to decide to go back to school full time. If you belong to this category, you’ll need to ensure that your finances are in order and that you (and your family if you have one) won’t have to worry about money while you spend your time slogging it out. If you’re taking out a loan to finance your education, make sure it’s worth the effort – you don’t want to be burdened with a loan that you cannot repay. Also, a full-time college schedule can be very demanding and you’re going to have to keep pace with kids who are much younger and more ambitious than you. You’re going to have a lot more on your mind than you did the last time round, and concentrating on your lessons is going to take a significant amount of willpower and determination. So psyche yourself to be mentally prepared, and give it the best you’ve got.
  • When you opt to study online: More than 90 percent of those who choose to go back to school take the online route. It’s very convenient because there’s not much change involved – you can continue to work at your job and go on with your life as usual; all you have to do is make some time for your lessons and exams. However, if you’re not disciplined and dedicated to the cause, you could end up lagging behind your classmates and taking much more time to complete your degree than necessary. Also, you must put in a significant amount of effort to balance all the balls you’ll be juggling – work, family, social life and studies – without dropping any of them. You will have to make sacrifices and compromises in order to do justice to your degree. So if you’re prepared and ready to accept the challenge, find a school of your choice and get started.

Going back to school is a worthwhile attempt to improve the quality of your work life, enhance your professional standing, and achieve a sense of accomplishment.

This guest post is contributed by Debbie Owen, she writes on the topic of online doctorate degree. She welcomes your comments at her email id: debbieowen83@gmail.com

Decorate your Dorm with BJ’s Wholesale Club

Posted in Articles, College Stuff, Dorm Life, Fun Times, Links, Money Honey, On Campus, Tips, Web with tags , , , on August 29, 2010 by Jill

BJ’s Wholesale Club is a thrifty, easy way of getting ready for school, whether you’re heading back to campus or you’re just starting out. Check out their school and college supplies options.

From décor like bedding sets and patterned rugs, unique space-savers like spinning carousel organizers, a wide selection of electronics and small appliances and no dorm would be complete without staples like KRAFT® EASY MAC® and Maruchan® Ramen; BJ’s has it all in one stop.

Like something you saw in the video above? Here’s some items it featured:

  • I-Teen 11 Piece Reversible Bedroom Set – Easy-care microfiber comforters with matching sham, sheet set, throw, bath towels, wash cloths and hamper. Fits twin or twin XL. Geometric and floral patterns designed exclusively for BJ’s. $49.99
  • Chalbria Galleria 53” x 79” Area Rug – Bold printed 100% nylon area rugs. $29.99
  • Spinning Carousel Closet Organizer – Heavy-duty canvas organizer turns 360 degrees. Store shoes, handbags or accessories in only 1 square foot of closet space. $14.99
  • Toshiba® 10.1” Notebook Computer – 160GB hard drive, Intel Atom™ N455 processor, 1GB DDR2 RAM, Windows® 7 Starter Edition, and 802.11n Wireless. 10.1” TruBrite®display. 8+hour battery life. Also on BJs.com $299.99
  • Milen Laptop Portable Mini Desk with Flexible Light – Use your laptop comfortably while lounging. Light bends as needed. $14.99 (After $5 instant rebate through 8/31/10)
  • Haier® Write-On Refrigerator – 2.5 cubic foot fridge. Leave homework reminders or messages to friends on the front. $99.99
  • Sunbeam® 800-Watt Microwave with Bonus – .8 cu. Ft. Digital display. Includes microwave-safe egg and rice cookers. Also on BJs.com $44.99 (After $10 instant rebate/online instant coupon 8/2-8/25/10)

All available at BJ’s Wholesale Club!